Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Nutrient & Water Delivery

Transpiration/turgor pressure: Turgor Pressure is used to maintain rigid stems by absorbing water and expanding the vacuoles in the cells and pushing against the cell walls to make it rigid
Transpiration is when water vapor is lost from the leaves by opening of the stomata.

Vascular tissue: What allows the plants to move water and food throughout the plant

Xylem: A tissue that is made of dead cells and transport water up from the roots to the leaves by using adhesion.

Stomata/guard cells: Pores with guard cells that can close or open allowing carbon dioxide, water, and oxygen out of the plant.

Soil contributes to plant growth because all of the nutrients are found there and water is transported from there.

Casparian strip: is used to block passive transport of materials to other parts of the plants. 

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